November 20, 2013

Social Media Part 2: Advice from a Social Worker

We are signing Open Communication Agreements with both parents and I got terribly worried about our boy's birth parents finding me online. I reached out to a social worker for some advice.  Here is what she said:
I truly believe that you are assigning intuitiveness and savvy to your birth dad that he does not possess. And that's not being disrespectful to him, that's just the truth of our birth parents as a whole. You and I are more than able to manipulate the internet to find anything (literally, anything). But the culture that our birth parents come from (particularly lower-income, lower-IQ individuals) are simply not that savvy. The other thing I would say is, the birth parents sign an OCA and if they are found in legal contempt of that in any way, such as by making inappropriate contact or anything else in that category, the OCA becomes null and void. That's a huge loss to any birth parent and they are usually aware of that. Jeopardizing the opportunity to see their child is not something that they would risk. When it comes down to it, the birth parents are usually humbled by the fact that they couldn't parent their own kids and grateful that someone else loves them and can do what they can't.
I am feeling much better. Thank God for good social workers!

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