November 25, 2013


OCA:  Open Communication Agreement

We had some very good discussions with our CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) about our OCA. The CASA is a volunteer who advocates for the child. We really got into how we felt about the OCA and what the OCA means, legally.  We feel much better after speaking with her.

This is what we know to be true:
  1. The parents are not putting up a fight and an OCA is the reward
  2. They realize they cannot parent our son and want us to adopt him
  3. The OCA protects our son more than anyone
  4. If at any time our son does not wish to be in contact with either parent, he doesnt have to
  5. After 12 months of no-contact, the OCA is null and void
To the mother, we've offered a supervised goodbye visit after termination/relinquishment in which we are involved. Email twice a year, initiated by the birth mother in which we will respond with pictures and an update on our son. And, the option of a visit once a year

The father would like an OCA as well but due to his background and lifestyle he will not be getting face-to-face contact with our boy.  He will receive one email update per year as long as he initiates contact first.

We are excited about the prospect of building a relationship with them and that our son might know a bit about where he came from.

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