October 15, 2013

Social Media: What if the Birth Parents Find You?

Question:  Are you worried that the birth parents will find you on social media?

Answer:  No way. I mean, I think about it. But, I am not worried at all. Not only are these people "off the grid" (they do not participate in social media) they dont even know our names. We've met them many times. Our social worker explained that there are two types of birth parents. There's the type that wants to know everything about the foster or adoptive parents that they can and then there are those that are so overwhelmed by the whole situation that they mentally cannot even go there. Our son's birth parents are the latter. When after a year of weekly visits the father calls you "that lady" you know that you're safe to share your life on social media. At this point, if he found our social media I'm certain he wouldn't even recognize us. His son's given name has not ever (and will never) be posted on the internet. He wont know his son's new name as we'll change his first middle and last. He wont know that we've moved to a new state. We will have an open communication agreement with the birth mother but she doesnt know our last names or how to spell our first names.

And, lastly... IF the birth parents find my blog/instagram/facebook I hope that they see how DEEPLY loved this child is. How happy he is. How normal we are. How much fun we have. So, no, I'm really not worried.

After all is said and done, he's my child and I can show him off how I please!

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