June 27, 2014

Our Boy's Birth Mother turns 21

Our boys' mother emailed us out of the blue. She said that her one birthday wish this year was to see our boy. What she doesn't know is that we've moved across the country. She also may not realize that meeting her friends and her friends children might not be a good first visit. She hasn't seen our boy for nearly 2 years. She never saw him crawl, walk or talk. He's a big boy, running and screaming and playing basketball and he has no idea that he's not 100% biologically our boy.

Instead of explaining all of that to birth mom, we had our boy sing "Happy Birthday" to her and sent it to her in an email. She was so happy and apologized for her earlier request. We still want to see her but we're not sure when. Once we meet her we'll tell her we've moved and that we're just in town visiting. 

I'm not sure what she wants but I hope that giving her little pieces of our boy in the form of stories, videos and one day meeting him are enough to heal her heart a little bit.

Happy 21st birthday, Birth mom!

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