January 6, 2014

The End is Near

We were away for the holidays but we got to join in on the Adoption Staffing Meeting via conference call. They've given our boy's file to an adoption social worker and we've filled out the adoption support paperwork. Since our boy was a baby when we got him and has minimal special needs we probably won't get monthly support other than his medical coverage. (Which is much needed, anyway!) We are so pleased that the state is working with us.

This will not be an open adoption as the birth parents have not been in communication with their court-appointed lawyers. (Therefore, they never signed the OCAs) I believe that they realized that they're too late and I also believe that they're scared. It's already been such a long time since they've seen our boy. I'm sure it would be too overwhelming for people like them to see him again - or even see a picture of him. They are so accustomed to wondering, it's all they know.

He is supposed to be legally free on January 15th and then we're on track for a Valentines Day adoption! I am so grateful for our friends who have been praying for this date.

Nothing is impossible with God! - Luke 1:37

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