February 19, 2013

Birth Parents

The truth is, we never forget about our son's birth parents. We pray for them every night. And we know that adopting him means that his parents lost their son. Our son was severely neglected his first 5 months.  I dont think it was intentional.  They didnt really know any better.  He came to us with a flat head, poor circulation and coordination, craving attention and under 12 pounds, wearing saggy 3-month clothes at 5-months-old.  His parents have not been participating in court-appointed services so there's no way of knowing if they're fit parents.  The last time we saw the birth father, 14 weeks ago, he told us that he thinks we are doing a great job as parents - not something I ever expected to hear from him! So, we are thrilled to have this precious child in our lives and are so looking forward to finalizing an adoption!

I have heard many stories of birth parents getting on the right track and becoming amazing parents but I've also heard amazing stories of foster kids who were taken from really horrible situations and put into loving homes where they thrive. It's a huge loss for one party and a huge victory for another.

We will never forget the limited time we spent with our son's birth parents. As of today, it's been 14 weeks since we saw the father and 6 months since we saw the mother.  We are sure he will ask about them and we want to remember every detail. We want to do our best to honor them even though a part of us is angry at the way this precious child was treated.

God will heal our hearts, help us to love and forgive; and we pray that God will heal theirs.

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