2008: Dadda and I started looking at websites for local adoption agencies.
July 2010: Found an agency we liked that helps teenage girls to choose an open adoption for their unplanned pregnancy. We put ourselves on the waiting list for the next available orientation.
March 2011: Have not heard from agency. Call agency. Agency has still no plans for an orientation class and therefore is not accepting applications.
July 2011: Call agency again and inquire about fostering-to-adopt. Was referred to foster agency. Talked with our [now] case-worker and requested an application.
August 2011: Turned in our paperwork and made the public announcement that we are going to be parents!
September - November 2011: Got fingerprints and background checks and references turned in. Went to 30 hours of classes about being a foster-parent. Had to move because our previous home, a loft downtown, wasn't kid-friendly.
January 2012: Our foster-home license arrived!
January 31, 2012: We were offered a 2 month old, we wanted him, then he went to another family. Which was okay but we were still bummed.
February 7, 2012: My lips were chapped so I walked to Walgreens to buy something to ease the pain. While I was in line, I got a call from our case worker. She told me to grab a pen. I didnt have a pen! I was at Walgreens! So, I bought the petroleum jelly (can we just call it Vaseline?) and ran home (literally) and got the whole story on this little guy. I wasn't sure at first. My heart had just been broken a week ago. I wasn't sure if I was ready. Dadda and I talked and I called Papa, his father, who is a great counselor. We made the decision. We want the baby! What an unexpected afternoon that was. One I'll remember forever.
And there you have it. My life changed during a trip to the store for some Vaseline.
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